Little Me Preschool Newsletter
Covering February 1-February 16
This month we are focusing on Nursery Rhymes. The kids have enjoyed doing a variety of crafts and activities that relate to the theme. In addition, we are also working on the letters J, Q and L and working on the numbers 10-20.
Little Miss Muffet
Spider Math
Using string to make spider-webs.
Hey Diddle, Diddle
Coloring the nursery rhyme.
Decorating the moon with sand.
Helping to clean up the mess.
Twinkle, Twinkle, Little Star
The kids decorated cutouts of themselves and then made a stary sky.
Little Boy Blue
Making Haystack Puppets
Humpty Dumpty
Why would it be difficult to put Humpty back together again? Let's see what a real egg looks like when it has been broken.
And then let's make some scrambled eggs!
Q is for Quilt: Building a Fort out of Quilts
Eleven: Making the #11 Out of Many Materials
Valentine's Party!
Free Time