Saturday, September 24, 2011

Weekly Newsletter
for the week of
September 19-23, 2011

This week we began our study of the Five Senses. We learned about the sense of sight on Monday and about the sense of hearing on Wednesday. On Friday we met at the Saratoga Springs Fire Station for a super fun field trip!

Making a Circle Picture During Math

Mr. David Teaching the Kids Spanish

Eye Craft


Learning About Hearing
For our lesson on hearing each student shook the containers to see if they could hear which two containers had the same items hidden inside. They then made blow horns, which they loved!

Our First Field Trip to the Fire Station

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Weekly Newsletter
for the week of
September 12-16, 2011


  • This Friday we will be going to the Saratoga Springs Fire Station for our monthly field trip. Please arrive by 11:00 am. Also, please remember that class will not be held this Friday.
  • Show and Tell will now be a part of Friday's routine. If your child would like to bring in something to show the class, please send it in with them on Friday.
This week we have been doing a lot of fun activities! We have been focusing on the head, arms and legs. Below are some pictures of the activities your children have been participating in this week.

Making Letter A Apple Craft

The students had to "pay" a circle in order to go under the limbo stick in this math activity.

Head, Shoulders, Knees and Toes

Yoga Time

Drawing a head as a group during Story Time

Silly Head Craft

We read "Dinosaur Numbers" before playing hopscotch for math.

Making skeletons after learning about the body and x-rays.