Sunday, October 30, 2011

Weekly Newsletter
for the week of
October 24-28, 2011

The theme this week was Halloween! We had fun using Halloween characters and pumpkins to work on math and language arts skills.


O is for Oatmeal! We traced the letter O in oatmeal and then made Oatmeal-O's

Simon Says for Recess

Lining the pumpkins up smallest to biggest.

What does a pumpkin look and feel like inside? Let's find out!


Monday, October 24, 2011

Bi-Weekly Newsletter
for the weeks of
October 10-19, 2011

This blog post is for the past two weeks of school. The kids have been enjoying learning about the ocean. This next week we are going to take a break from sea life and have a little fun with a Halloween theme. We will be finishing the sea life unit up the first week of November.

Sea Life Dioramas

D is for Dinosaur: Making Dinosaur Puppets

Musical Numbers. Each of the chairs had a number on the back of it. When the music stopped the kids sat down and I would call a number. If they were sitting on the chair with that number they won a prize.

Recess and  Free Time

Working together to build  puzzles.

I Spy Triangle Activity

We learned about whales and then painted a whale by blowing paint around.

Fish Number Hop. Each kid had to say the numbers out loud as then jumped from fish to fish.

Story Time with Mr. David

Learning and Making Octopuses

The kids found out how fun it was to take their own pictures. Here are a few of the pictures that they took this week. :)